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Issue 9, January 2007

£ 10.00


  • Hunter Beaumont: Open Invitation to Constellations Community

  • Barbara Morgan: Thank you

  • Barbara Morgan: Editorial


  • Zita Cox: A Different Kind of Field Trip

  • Francesca Mason Boring: Mother Earth Belongs

  • Drew Dellinger: Hieroglyphic Staircase (poem)

  • Albrecht Mahr: Political Constellations


  • Ed Lynch: My Brother

  • Sheila Saunders: Constellation in Oxaca with Bert Hellinger


  • Diane Yankelevitz: ‘Systemic Constellation Work is an Art’ by Heinz Stark

  • Caroline John: ‘Language of the Soul’ by John Payne and ‘No Waves without the Ocean’ by Bert Hellinger


  • Daan van Kampenhout: The Weight of the Dead'


  • Various contributors


  • Netra Tingwen Chou: When East meets West

  • Bertold Ulsamer: Constellations in Hong Kong

  • Chetna Kobayashi:  Money Supports Life

  • Charlotte Broms:  Utsu


  • Tomas Kohn: Family Constellations and Movements of the Spirit


  • Henriette Katharina Lingg: Management Constellations Part 2

  • Wim Jurg: Constellations to identify Branding Problems


  • Various contributors


Zita Cox: A Different Kind of Field Trip

Some time ago I began to have my own notion that systemic constellations could be used in a wider field than previously, in order to listen to the Earth system – the system with which we, as humans, are so completely interconnected and on which we depend. Synchronistically, others were also exploring this idea in Germany, Holland and America and here in Britain….
The most moving and satisfying aspect of facilitating environmental constellations is those moments that people have vividly described, where their beliefs have changed and where their pre-conceptions were not met. A new view came to them through the experience and they felt compassion for people they had previously seen as the problem or the enemy. This gives me hope that we can break down the walls of the homosphere we have built around us.

Netra Tingwen Chou: Traditional Chinese Philosophy & Hellinger’s Family Constellations

It seems like there is a very ancient soul in this young man’s body whose interests are quite different from those of most young people nowadays….
I saw that the wisdom, customs and ways of life in the East are very similar to the principles of Family Constellations. Therefore, when I encountered it, I wanted to introduce it to Chinese society in the East….
One important concept of Taoism is ‘to do nothing’. When Bert Hellinger works, we see that he often retreats to the back, and many things start to happen by themselves. But actually something is happening inside him. From an audience’s point of view, it seems that he is doing nothing. But inside something is going on, and it is his secret. Some people come to realise the same secret and start moving towards this way of working.

Wim Jurg: Constellations to identify Branding Problems

In marketing, it is generally accepted that the practice of thinking of non-living elements as human-like facilitates interactions with the world. The commonly used brand-as-a-person metaphor is a special case of this anthropomorphosis: Is brand X to you young or old? Is it a man or a woman? Is she sexy or serious? The concordant brand personality concept is the projection of human characteristics on to brands. A related construct in marketing is the positioning notion. This refers to the way people perceive the relationships between brands as opposed to the way companies want their brands to be in comparison to other brands. These relationships are usually presented in two-dimensional space to denote psychological distance between brand perceptions. Psychodrama is a recogised tehnique in qualitative marketing research on brands in which the relatiohship between consumers and brands is played out on a stage. Applying constellations to brands is thus a logical extension of such work.